Get in touch

info [at]
55 Grace Street, San Francisco, California


Get in touch

info [at]
55 Grace Street, San Francisco, California


Nonfiction is a full service industrial design studio comprised of designers, engineers, architects, strategists and storytellers.

We develop products and experiences that create a positive impact on people and the planet.

You’ve got dreams?
We’ve got strategy.

Research & Strategy

Winning designs begin with a deep understanding of the problem and all stakeholders involved. We interview users, explore new behaviors and challenge conventional thinking. The opportunities we discover help to create unique and ownable experiences. They will become the roadmap that drives the brand vision.
  • Go-to-market Strategies
  • Business Model Design
  • Intellectual Property Creation
  • Ecosystem Planning
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Customer Insights
  • Field Research
  • Storyboarding
  • Culture Definition
  • Roadmapping
  • Definition & Value Proposition
  • Sustainability Roadmapping
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Brainstorm Workshopping

You’ve got ideas?
We make them reality.

Industrial Design & Space Architecture

We are a team of industrial designers, computational experts, architects, film producers and artists with a background of experiences from around the world. This multidisciplinary team is our key to designing inclusive products with rich backstories. Our designs are personable and relatable. They are focused on human needs, ergonomics and satisfying user experiences. They are IP rich and have garnered hundreds of millions in sales and VC funding. We don’t do conventional and we don‘t do boring. That’s for the other guys.
  • Industrial Design
  • Medical Devices
  • Systems Design
  • Service Design
  • Sustainability Design
  • Space Architecture
  • Behavior Design
  • Design Language Systems
  • Product Roadmapping
  • User Experience Design
  • 2D rendering
  • 3D modeling
  • Sketch Visualization
  • Proof of Concept
  • Prototyping - Cosmetic
  • Prototyping - Functional
  • Color, Finish, Material Definition
  • Rendering & Animation
  • VR Design & Presentation
  • Storytelling

You’ve got tech?
We make it accessible to all.

Engineering & Design for Manufacturing

Our design and electrical engineers are curious, creative and focused on making solutions that user friendly and delightfully intuitive. We practice Lean Product Development to shorten timelines, ensure design intent, mitigate risk and make the transition from design to manufacturing as seamless as possible.

Our mechanical engineers are seasoned professionals, with experience leading fortune 500 teams and scrapy startups. Whether you need a full DFM program or a first to market proof of concept, we have the ingenuity and knowledge to get you there.
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Design for Manufacture (DFM)
  • Design for Disassembly
  • Lean Product Development
  • Prototyping - Functional
  • Proof of Concept - Test Bucks
  • Medical Device Class I, II, III
  • Automation & Robotics
  • Performance & Reliability Testing
  • Power Management
  • Thermodynamics Management
  • Tooling Design Support
  • Documentation - Quality Control
  • Assembly Instructions
  • Global Sourcing
  • Partner Liaison
  • Component Specification
  • Manufacturing Setup and Support
  • Assembly Line Design
  • Tooling Design & Specification
  • Tooling Design Support
  • Process Debug

You’ve got a vision?
We craft compelling stories.

Branding & Storytelling

We create brand visions that are visually rich and tell compelling stories to drive market adoption. It’s a congested world out there and your voice needs to be heard. Whether you are interested in selling products, building a community or driving a world-changing agenda, we can help.
  • Branding
  • Design Language
  • User Experience
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting
  • Storytelling
  • Web Design
  • Animations
  • Interactions
  • Wireframe & Flows
  • SEO Support
  • Environmental Design
  • Tradeshow Design
  • Large Scale Graphics
  • Presentation Deck Dev
  • Renderings
  • Film & Editing